13 de octubre de 2004

Gotta go back in time!

Hace un tiempo, boludeando por blogs ajenos, encontre un post muy intersante...
Conozcan la historia de John Titor, viajero del tiempo.
Para muestra basta un alfiler:

"Someone using the assumed name of John Titor and claiming to be a soldier on a mission from 2036 presented a considerable amount of information on the Web beginning around November 2000 about his mission and time travel machine, his perspective on our society, how our society is going wrong, and how society as we know it will end in a very short but massive global nuclear war in 2015. He's gone now, back to 2036 he said he was going in his last posting on March 24, 2001, and the threads he left across the Web in his five months with us have been slowly evaporating since then.
As time passes and interest in Titor's story grows, new "Titor" material and imposters emerge, and self-styled debunkers may go so far as to claim the story's already been proven a hoax (although so far there's never been any such actual proof offered).
There are some good reasons to not believe everything you read, and good reasons to keep your mind open about Mr. Titor's story are more and more often appearing in the daily news. Russia is sabre-rattling again in response to perceived American aggressions; tens of thousands of nuclear weapons still stand ready to launch on warning; police powers, illegal detentions, and concentration camps are growing like a cancer on the Constitution. Even the mad cow disease epidemic he predicted has already begun rearing its ugly head in America as well as around the world. Mr. Titor's words sound more prophetic every day. "

(Sacado del sitio Oficial [?] de John Titor)

¿Fraude o realidad? You'll be the judge!!!